Note: The following list only informs about theses topics offered. If you are interested in a topic (not yet selected by a student), please contact the person who offered the topic to discuss prerequisites and further requirements that need to be fulfilled. Only after mutual agreement between you and the supervisor has been reached, you can actually select the topic for your Bachelor or Master theses.
Keywords such as: #analysis #smartphone_application
Organization Topic Period Application email    
Master, Bachelor (8)
ATI Machine learning / Statistical modeling: Modeling the CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing system 2016-2017 Details
ATI [Preliminarily taken] Machine learning / Statistical modeling: Predicting human health from genomic and life history information 2016-2017 Details
ATI Machine learning / Computer science: Analyzing human induced pluripotent stem cell images with deep neural networks 2016-2017 Details
Machine Learning Topics in Machine Learning 2021-2022 Details
OÜ KappaZeta Image to image transition models for Earth Observation data 2021-2022 Details
KappaZeta Ltd AI-based speckle suppression for SAR data 2021-2022 Details
Machine Learning Topics in Machine Learning 2022-2023 Details
Computational Music Analysis and Recommendation Contrastive Self-supervised learning for music 2022-2023 Details
Master (3)
Computational Neuroscience Lab Deep Autoencoder on EEG Data 2015-2016 Ad Details
KappaZeta Ltd Modelling green-house gas emission and sinks using Earth Observation data 2021-2022 Details
Bolt Machine learning models for map element detections 2022-2023 Details