Case Study in Software Testing or Software Analytics (with focus on software quality)

Software Engineering Analytics
This is a "placeholder" Master’s Thesis project topic, which needs to be negotiated individually. If you work in a IT company and you are actively engaged in a software testing or software analytics, or if you can convince your management to put in time and resources into such a project in the near-term, we can make a case study out of it. We will sit down and formulate concrete hypotheses or questions that you investigate as part of this project, and we will compare your approach and results against state-of-the-art practices. I am particularly interested in supervising theses topics related to mutation testing, testing of embedded software, testing safety-critical systems, security testing of mobile apps, anlysis of project repositories to make software development processes more efficient and effective, but I welcome other topic areas.

The method applied is a case study. Case studies follow a systematic approach as outlined in:
“Guidelines for conducting and reporting case study research in software engineering” by Per Runeson and Martin Höst –

Important elements of the thesis are literature study, measurement and interviews with experts in the target company.

A mandatory pre-requisite for me to act as supervisor is that there exists a co-supervisor within the case company who is willing to help with the exact scoping of the thesis project and confirms that the topic is in the interest of the case company to an extend that the student can work on the thesis project (at least partly) during work time.
Graduation Theses defence year
Dietmar Pfahl
Spoken language (s)
Requirements for candidates
Bachelor, Masters

Application of contact

Dietmar Pfahl