Code-Based Zk-SNARKs

Cryptography Research Group, ICS
Zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs, especially zk-SNARKs (succinct non-interactive proofs of knowledge), are currently a very trendy topic, especially motivated by the application of privacy-preserving blockchain. Other applications include privacy-preserving machine learning (including the training), privacy-preserving image processing, etc. There is a multibillion-dollar industry. Zk-SNARKs allow one to prove that some large-scale computation was performed correctly with two additional objectives: (1) nothing is leaked about the private data, and (2) verifying the proof should be considerably more efficient than doing the computation itself. The area is currently very rich in theory (with hundreds of research papers annually) and practice (a few hundred active startups). Helger is also currently giving a course ( on ZK proofs.

The most influential post-quantum zk-SNARKs are based on simple cryptography (hash functions) and error-correcting codes. Among such schemes, FRI is the best known: it has beautiful math and has been marketed successfully by a company called StarkWare. Some good properties of FRI include being post-quantum, relying on the weakest possible assumptions, having no trusted setup, and having a fast prover. On the other hand, FRI's verifier is relatively inefficient.

We expect the student to read through some papers in this field and write a survey on FRI, which is understandable by non-specialists. The survey should combine cryptographic and code-theoretic knowledge, explaining how FRI's techniques relate to error-correcting codes' properties. Interested students are recommended to browse YouTube videos at

The thesis is suitable for students with some cryptography or coding theory background. We hope the student can continue in Ph.D. studies. The project's funding is covered by a grant.
Graduation Theses defence year
Helger Lipmaa
Spoken language (s)
Estonian, English
Requirements for candidates
It's a MSc thesis. The student should have background in cryptography or coding theory
#cryptography #zero_knowledge #coding_theory

Application of contact

Helger Lipmaa
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