Document management system for RAJU keskus
Martin Suvorov
Koolirobot project started in 2007. Its objective was to promote interest in engineering and start according activities in Estonian schools. To support this objective, the project helped schools buy LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT robotic kits and start robotics courses. RAJU keskus (Robotic Exploration and Development Centre) is an informal organisation at the Institute of Computer Science at the Tartu University. In this centre students create study materials and worksheets for LEGO MINDSTORMS robotic kits.
During the last three years the amount of materials has grown dramatically, but there is no convenient way to manage and share them with teachers and students. Therefore it was decided that a new document management system had to be created. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to create an information system to manage robotics study materials.
The textual part of this thesis serves as an analysis for the created system. In general this document can be divided into three parts - the background, analysis and overview.
The first chapter gives an overview about RAJU keskus and its current capabilities in the field of IT. It is explained why the new system is necessary and what is wrong with the current situation.
The second chapter describes system requirements, future user types and their capabilities. The overall system structure is specified.
The last chapter describes how the system was created. Here the reader can learn that the system was written in PHP language on server side. CodeIgniter was chosen as MVC framework for the system. For better user experience jQuery JavaScript library was used. At the end of the third chapter an installation guide is included.
The system is ready for installation and examination. It is recommended that before going public with this system, a new design would be created by a professional designer.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Information Technology
Anne Villems; Taavi Duvin
Defence year