Careers of Estonian holders of IT Master's degrees

Margus Porkveli
As the shortage of IT specialists has been widely discussed in recent years the aim of this thesis is to explore the topic in depth. Demand is highest for employees who are already educated and have good theoretical skills and experience, which is why the focus herein is on Master’s graduates. Studying statistics about graduates of Computer Science revealed that the amount of schooling has shown a considerable increase. The aim of this thesis is to determine whether this increase in the amount of schooling has resulted in an actual increase in the number of IT specialists and also to explore what the graduates have been doing since obtaining their Master’s degrees. The study was carried out using public information that can be found in social media. Such a method differs from others of the kind as there is no direct communication with the participants in the study and they do not respond to any surveys. Instead, the necessary data are collected from the Internet. The study focused on graduates of Computer Science from the University of Tartu, Tallinn University of Technology and Tallinn University in 2008 and 2009. Data was found for around 80% of graduates. In the case of those who graduated in 2008, data was found on 117 people; in the case of those who graduated in 2009, data was found on 78 people. The study revealed that most graduates have remained active in the field they studied. There were very few people who had no connection with IT. Looking at job tenure revealed that most were already working in the field they studied prior to graduating. The most popular companies the graduates were working for were Tallinn University of Technology, Nortal, Swedbank, Skype and Proekspert. Many had also become entrepreneurs and established their own companies. They were working mostly in Tallinn; only a few were working outside of Estonia.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Information Technology
U.Puus, M.Niitsoo
Defence year