Interplay of Misuse Case and Fault Tree Analysis for Security and Safety Analysis

Servet Kurt
Nowadays safety and security are becoming more and more important because of the fact that modern information systems are increasingly distributed over web-services, grids and clouds. Safety critical systems that were not utilizing usage over Internet are being re-engineered in order to be use over Internet. As a consequence of this situation there is need of new methods that cover both security and safety aspects of software systems, since these systems are used in transportation, health and process control systems that arises risk of physical injury or environmental damage. Additionally when safety and security aspects are not considered together they may violate each other while one situation is making a case safe it may violate security and this is a problem. Such as in the sample of lock doors at dormitories for security purpose to protect inhabitants against robbery and some other possible crimes, those inhabitants of dormitories use distance keys to unlock them but in case of a fire situation in the building for safety purposes these lock doors are unlocking themselves and by activating fire alarms attackers can get access to inhabitants properties. In current thesis we introduce integrated domain models of security and safety, extracting definitions from safety and security domains and finding possible pairs to integrate. Developing interplays between security and safety technique that is misuse cases and fault tree analysis. We demonstrate alignment of fault tree analysis to safety domain model and making interplay between techniques from fault tree analysis to misuse cases. By using the domain models of both security and safety and making interplay between techniques we proposed an integrated technique we expect to solve the problem to cover both safety aspects of software system benefiting from complementary strengths of security domain model and techniques. We believe that our study is contributing to the integration attempts of security and safety techniques by illustrating alignment of fault tree analysis with safety domain model benefitting from misuse cases and information security risk management relationship and making interplay with misuse case technique. And also we illustrate a new methodology on how to use fault tree analysis and misuse cases in order to elicit safety concerns in a new information system by having interplay with misuse case. Moreover, we test correctness of our methodology by making results comparison of a safety risk analyze done.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Software Engineering
Dr. Raimundas Matulevičius
Defence year