Web Data Extraction For Content Aggregation From E-Commerce Websites
Andres Viikmaa
World Wide Web has become an unlimited source of data. Search engines have made this information available to every day Internet user. There is still information available that is not easily accessible through existing search engines, so there remains the need to create new search engines that would present information better than before. In order to present data in a way that gives extra value, it must be collected, analysed and transformed. This master thesis focuses on data collection part. Modern information extraction system ZedBot is presented, that allows extraction of highly structured data form semi structured web pages. It complies with majority of requirements set for modern data extraction system: it is platform independent, it has powerful semi automatic wrapper generation system and has easy to use user interface for annotating structured data. Specially designed web crawler allows to extraction to be performed on whole web site level without human interaction.
We show that presented tool is suitable for extraction highly accurate data from large number of websites and can be used as a data source for product aggregation system to create new added value.
We show that presented tool is suitable for extraction highly accurate data from large number of websites and can be used as a data source for product aggregation system to create new added value.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Computer Science
Timo Petmanson
Defence year