Method for Effective PDF Files Manipulation Detection
Gema Fernández Bascuñana
The aim of this thesis is to ease the process of detecting manipulations in PDF files by addressing its source code, before having to use other methods such as image processing or text-line examination. It is intended to be a previous step to tackle, which can save a lot of time to examiners and provide them with more proof of manipulations regarding digital file evidence. The result is the construction of a solid and effective method for PDF file investigation and analysis to determine its integrity. To achieve this goal, a study of PDF file anatomy will be conducted firstly, in order to become familiar with the structure and composition of this file format. Afterwards, a series of manipulations performed directly against the file source code will deepen in its secrets and vulnerabilities, and will therefore help in setting the foundations for the method. Finally, a study on the most common types of file manipulations will lead to a set of layouts to which compare the files under investigation and thus, test its veracity, complemented with a quest for specialised open source tools to accomplish this task; a set of validation experiments will complete the work, evaluating the obtained results and stating future lines of work in this field.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Cyber Security
Pavel Laptev, Inna Ivask, Raimundas Matulevičius
Defence year