A Case Study of Test-Driven Development
Meya Stephen Kenigbolo
The purpose of this study is to analyse the benefits and/or drawbacks regarding the
implementation of Test Driven Development (TDD) as part of the software development
lifecycle of startup companies. This study was conducted in three phases: The first phase
focused on a study of the current TDD implementations in an early stage startup company
assigned the task of delivering Software as a Service(SaaS) product to their clients (Company
A). The main purpose of this stage will be to analyse the current existing software
development methodology and what role (if any) TDD plays in the entire process. The
second phase revolved around identifying the current existing practices of TDD in a company
that has successfully embedded the practice into their software development lifecycle
(Company B). This phase involved an in depth analysis of the TDD practice in Company B:
how it was first introduced, the challenges faced during the initial stages of implementation,
reasons for its adoption as well as their views on the future of TDD. The third and final
phase focused on gathering data from other companies that practice TDD and how the
knowledge acquired from this study can be used to make a data driven decision regarding the
benefits/drawback of TDD for company A.
implementation of Test Driven Development (TDD) as part of the software development
lifecycle of startup companies. This study was conducted in three phases: The first phase
focused on a study of the current TDD implementations in an early stage startup company
assigned the task of delivering Software as a Service(SaaS) product to their clients (Company
A). The main purpose of this stage will be to analyse the current existing software
development methodology and what role (if any) TDD plays in the entire process. The
second phase revolved around identifying the current existing practices of TDD in a company
that has successfully embedded the practice into their software development lifecycle
(Company B). This phase involved an in depth analysis of the TDD practice in Company B:
how it was first introduced, the challenges faced during the initial stages of implementation,
reasons for its adoption as well as their views on the future of TDD. The third and final
phase focused on gathering data from other companies that practice TDD and how the
knowledge acquired from this study can be used to make a data driven decision regarding the
benefits/drawback of TDD for company A.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Software Engineering
Dietmar Alfred Kurt Pfahl, Kaarel Kotkas
Defence year