The Impact of External Factors on Estonian Mobile Call Activity

Hendrik Hiir
The aim of this thesis is to show how different external factors affect mobile call activity. Based on 628 716 Call Data Records from Estonia, a social network is formed and analysed. Call connections between Estonian counties are observed, with emphasis on population and popularity differences and finding the most and least in-area centered counties. Call activity over time is analysed and the reasons behind the differences in activity are discussed. In addition, the impact of different events on call activity is studied. From natural events, this work focuses on weather, full moon and solar eclipse. From non-natural events, the impact of parliamentary elections, a major football match and infamous Friday the 13th on call activity is observed. Based on the results of this thesis, it can be indicated that human calling activity depends on the time period of calling and it also gets impacted by events happening around it.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Rajesh Sharma, Anto Aasa
Defence year