Creating Automated Tests for Session-based Course “Sissejuhatus andmebaasidesse”

Mikk Õunmaa
The aim of this bachelor’s thesis was to create automated tests for session-based course “Sissejuhatus andmebaasidesse”, that is taught in the University of Tartu. As a result, tests, that can be configured in to the Moodle, and testing tool for tutors, were created. The first chapter describes different methods that are used to grade individual tasks in the web-based courses and how individual tasks have been checked in the University of Tartu. The second chapter introduces the course “Sissejuhatus andmebaasidesse” and explains the tasks, for which the tests were created. The final chapter gives insight to the implementa-tion of automated tests and the testing tool, points out the problems during the creation process and teaches how to use the program and tests. In additon, compares the created program with database testing tools, that were created beforehand in the University of Tartu, and gives suggestions what to improve in the future.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Piret Luik
Defence year
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