Usability Testing of Parenting Websites
Anet Vallsalu
The author of the current thesis conducted an analysis of the usability of six different parenting websites in Estonia. The author conducted a research study with ten potential users of the websites. The research methods used were a semi-structured interview, usability test with think aloud method, and the system usability scale (SUS) questionnaire. The author presented the main usability problems for each site, ranked the severity of the problems, and indicated which of the Nielsen’s heuristics or general user interface design guidelines do the problems relate to. The author makes improvement suggestions for the problems found and presents the ease of fixing grades, for each problem, that were given by an industry specialist. The author provides general recommendations for achieving good usability for parenting websites, based on the problems found in the study.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Conversion Master in IT
Evgenia Trofimova
Defence year