Reliable File Transfer for the ESTCube-2 Nanosatellite On-Orbit

Teet Saar
ESTCube-2 is a student nanosatellite program, expected to launch in 2022. This bachelor's thesis focuses on the development of a reliable file transfer system for the ESTCube-2 Mission Control System for the upcoming mission. Functionality that allows automated and fail-safe file transfers is of great importance for the ESTCube-2 mission, as is the ability to downlink files from the satellite and uplink files from the ground station. The developed software solution analyzes, tracks, and synchronizes files and also deals with detection and resolution of different losses and errors that occur during data transmission between the satellite and the ground station. These requirements were fulfilled by the development of a file transfer service, accompanied by a visual interface incorporated into the front-end of the Mission Control System and a mock on-board Application Programming Interface for testing and development reference.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Umesh Anilchandra Bhat, Boris Kudryashov, Vitaly Skachek
Defence year