Identification of Requirements for a Study-related Data Protection Application Using an Agent-oriented Goal Model

Terje Mäesalu
The University of Tartu processes various personal data for the purposes of its core business. The staff needs advice and training to ensure that they make the right decisions when processing personal data. Information technology solutions can help facilitate acquiring knowledge in data protection and finding the necessary information more quickly. The main goal of this master’s thesis is to identify the functional, quality and emotional requirements for an application supporting the acquisition of data protection knowledge by the teaching staff and academic affairs specialists at the University of Tartu. The secondary aim of the thesis is to test the use of an agent-oriented goal model to identify the requirements of people without in-depth IT knowledge.
During the thesis, an initial goal model was drawn up based on existing documentation, interviews conducted in a pilot study and the professional expertise and experience of the senior specialist for data protection. Then, focus group interviews were carried out with representatives of the target group (teaching staff and academic affairs specialists), using the created goal model as a tool. The initial goal model was improved considering the requirements added as a result of the interviews. The MoSCoW method was used to determine the scope of the initial application, i.e., the minimum viable product (MVP). Based on the MVP, the role models and user stories were developed. A feasibility analysis of the goal model revealed that it is a useful tool for identifying the functional, quality and emotional requirements among people with no background in computer science or experience in using the solution created.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Conversion Master in IT
Kerli Mooses, PhD
Defence year