Analysis of Psoriasis Comorbidities Using Cox Regression

Ami Sild
The aim of this thesis was to find out how does the risks of comorbidities vary between psoriasis patients and non-psoriasis patients. Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition, that brings daily physical and emotional burden for those who are diagnosed with it. This disease has many comorbidities. Early treatment could significantly increase the quality of life for patients and also decrease the costs in case the disease progresses further.
The data used in this research was collected by University of Tartu. It includes health data from approximately 10% of Estonian population. The comorbidities analyzed were selected based on existing research. A total of 13 comorbidities were included in the final analysis.
This Master’s thesis could help doctors focus more on patients who are more likely to develop certain diseases. It could lead to changes in the treatment to prevent these comorbidities. The result of this thesis could also be used to make targeted screening tests to prevent comorbidities in psoriasis patients.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Data Science
Raivo Kolde, Markus Haug
Defence year